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Nobody who has witnessed a swirling, soaring shoal of words in their natural habitat could fail to be moved by the experience. The sheen and flash of them as they turn in formation to pursue first one thought and then another is one of the true joys of a life well lived. 

By contrast, is there anything more disconsolate - or more heart-rending - than the solitary word cut off from its fellows; shivering, alone and unpunctuated?

Although they can be dangerous when roused or in pursuit of prey, words are naturally gentle creatures who will return love and affection many times over. 

In a world where too many are caged or abused, there has never been a greater need to find loving homes for these intelligent and dignified creatures. 

Just Some Words provides such a space. Here they can be themselves, unshackled and unadorned. They can avoid the humiliation of being dressed up or made to perform tricks. Instead, they can roam free, racing across the page, into the mind and out into the world. 

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Although they can be dangerous when roused or in pursuit of prey, words are naturally gentle creatures.” 

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